So you purchased the ultimate multimedia machine, a Macintosh! Now you need to find an application which would let you unleash the multimedia power of your computer. Almost every Mac built since the introduction of the original LC in late 80's has built in sound recording capability. Until now most owners of such computers have been using that feature to record fancy alarm sounds!
VoiceCalendar a digital calendar. First of its kind, it is a calendar for people who hate to type! or people who appreciate efficiency. It allows the user to enter daily messages by specifying the date, time, occasion, record and save a voice message with clicks of mouse all without typing a single word!. User can also view the entire month, select any date and play back any of the messages using their mouse.
The VoiceCalendar features three method by which the user can be notified of a previously recorded reminder. The first method is a blinking icon in the menu bar. This method is ideal for environments where any amount of noise could be undesirable. The second method is a soft bell sound which would ring approximately every five seconds to inform the user there is a pending message. The final method allows the user to hear the actual recorded message for the reminder. User can select any or all possible combination of these three method according to their needs or preferences.
Users can record up to 32,000! messages for any day and each voice message could be of any length. Another important feature of the VoiceCalendar is that it allows the user to optionally run the calendar every time they start their computer. This startup feature is achieved without utilizing any control panels or extensions therefore, it will not cause any conflicts with the any of the installed system files.
•• System Requirements
The VoiceCalendar application requires a minimum system configuration of:
• Hardware: 68020, 68030, or 68040 or Power PC Macintosh. (Any of the LC, Powerbook, Quadra, Centris, Performa, Power Macintosh families of Macintosh computer.)
• System 7 and higher.
• Sound manager 3.0 or later for best results.
• 400 K of free memory.
• Apple built-in or third party sound input capability and a microphone for recording the voice messages.
If you do not have sound manager 3.0, you may obtain a copy through on-line services such as America Online, CompuServe, Applelink, eWorld, and the Internet. Or you may contact your favorite Apple authorized dealer for information on how to obtain a copy.
•• How to use the on-line help module:
The on-line help module consists of two lists. The list on the left, is the topics. User can select a topic by scrolling up or down and click in the desired subject. The text field on the right would display the help text associated list item selected. The help window is a standard window which can be dragged around by click-dragging in the title bar. User can quit the help module by clicking the close (go-away) box on the top left corner.
•• Quick Reference:
This section can be used as a quick reference for setting up an alarm time, date, and occasion and message.
• To record a new appointment:
1) From the main window, use the year, month, and day buttons to navigate to the desired date.
2) Select the new button from the main window or if there are no entries for that day, double click on the day desired to activate the new entry window.
3) Set the desired alarm time using the date buttons in the new entry dialog.
4) Select the record button to begin recording a voice message.
5) After the completion of the recording process, press done to return to the new entry dialog. At this point your reminder and the accompanying voice message has been recorded and added to the database.
6) When you are back in the new entry window you have the following options:
- Press help button for more help.
- Press the done button to return to the main window.
- Set up a new time and press the record button to record a new message.
• To view a new appointment:
1) From the main window, use the year, month, and day buttons to navigate to the desired date.
2) Select the view button from the main window or double click on the day desired to activate the view window.
3) Click on any of the recorded reminders and select the play button to listen to the reminder. User can optionally double click on any reminder to play back the corresponding voice massage.
•• How to install VoiceCalendar
Please follow these steps to install VoiceCalendar in the Apple menu:
1) Create a Folder by selecting "New Folder" from the "File" menu in Finder. Name this folder "VoiceCalendar Folder".
2) Drag the VoiceCalendar application over the folder's icon. Now the application is inside the folder. This folder is where the main VoiceCalendar application must remain from now on.
3) Open the newly created folder by double clicking on it. Select the VoiceCalendar by clicking on the application once.
4) In the "File" menu of the Finder select "Make Alias".
5) Open the system folder on your drive.
6) Drag the icon of the alias that you created in step 4 onto the "Apple Menu Items" folder.
7) Click on the "Apple" menu in the Finder and select the VoiceCalendar alias that you place there.
8) Enjoy!!
•• The Menus Section has the following parts:
-Apple Menu
-File Menu
-Edit Menu
-Preferences Menu
-Capture Preferences
-Notification Menu
-Compression Menu
-Windows Menu
-Volume Menu
-Run at startup
For more details on each of the above see the corresponding help sections.
•• Apple Menu:
• About VoiceCalendar:
This menu item displays the information available about the program and the author.
• Help:
Use this menu item to activate the on-line help module. This module has extensive help text describing various features of the VoiceCalendar and how to fully utilize them. See the "How to use the On-line help module" section for more details.
•• File Menu:
• New Memo:
This menu item allows the user to record new message(s) to disk. Upon selection, user is presented with a dialog which allows selection of the time for the message and record the voice message for the specified time. See "New Entry Window" section for more details.
• Lookup Memo:
This menu item allows the user to play back a previously recorded message from disk. Upon selection, user is presented with a dialog which allows selection of the message to be played. When this menu item is selected, all recorded messages for the currently selected day, month, and year would appear in the lookup window. See the "Lookup Window" section for more details.
• Close:
Selecting this menu item would close the front most window. This menu Item only works with new entry and lookup windows. The main window and the miniature windows are considered "root" windows and therefore one of them must remain open at all times.
• Quit:
This menu item quits the VoiceCalendar application and releases the memory used for the application back to the system and finder.
•• Edit Menu:
This menu is implemented for the desk accessories use (required for their proper operation) only and is not used by VoiceCalendar application.
•• Preferences Menu:
This menu allows the user to customize the behavior of the VoiceCalendar application and has the following items:
-Capture Preferences
-Notification Menu
-Compression Menu
-Windows Menu
-Volume Menu
-Run at startup
For more details on each of the above see the corresponding help sections.
•• Capture Preferences:
Upon selection, this menu item would save the following settings:
* All window locations.
* To startup in shrink or expand mode for the main window.
* The desired compression level.
* Whether or not to run VoiceCalendar the next time the computer is turn on or restarted.
* Notification method(s) selected.
* Sound volume level for playing sound.
For more details on each of the above see the corresponding help sections.
•• Notification Menu:
• Menu Bar Notification:
Selecting this option would cause an icon to flash in the menu bar on top the Apple icon in the top left corner of the screen. This option allows the user to receive a signal from the calendar which would not interfere with any on going task that the user is involved with at the time. For example any audio sounds would be undesirable in a business meeting or during a phone conversation.
• Audio Notification:
Selection of this menu item would cause the VoiceCalendar to play a soft ring every five seconds when the reminder is due. This provides the user with audio feedback while keeping the playback of the actual message optional. This handy when the message contains private or sensitive material and therefore the playback of the actual message would be at the user's discretion.
• Play Actual Message:
By selecting this option, user can require the VoiceCalendar to go ahead and play the actual message when the reminder becomes due.
User is free to choose all or any combination of the three options above to fit their type of needs and requirements.
•• Compression Menu:
VoiceCalendar allows the user to select the desired compression level at the time a reminder is created. Compressing and decompressing of the message is done transparently and once the desired level is selected and the preferences are captured, user never has to do deal with compression again and everything is done automatically thereafter. Compressing the recorded sound would help to save disk space and allows longer messages. At 22 KHz sampling rate, with no compression each second of recorded sound will take approximately 22k of disk space. With 3 to 1 compression one second of sound will take 7.6k of space and at 6 to 1 compression only requires 3.8k of disk space. The disk space used to store a message is greatly reduced through compression, however the compression process will somewhat reduce the fidelity of sound recorded. The 3 to 1 compression offers a compromise between disk space and quality of sound.
•• Volume Menu
The overall loudness level for the sound playback can be adjusted from this menu. The values can be adjusted from 10 to 100 percent of the maximum volume in steps of ten percent.
•• Windows Menu
• Stack:
Selection of this menu item would stack up all open windows. This feature would allow the user to quickly navigate back and forth between all of the open windows without them being covered by any other windows.
• Shrink:
The Shrink menu item would close all windows and activate a miniature window. This action would achieve two tasks. This option would save desktop space and additionally, it would use less processing power and therefore give other running applications more time to perform their tasks. It is suggested that the user select this idling option whenever VoiceCalendar is not being used. The user will still be notified of any pending messages even when the main window in miniaturized.
• Expand:
Selection of this menu item would undo the option "Shrink" and allows entering new entries and looking up recorded messages by returning to full view.
•• Run At Startup
This menu item would provide the user with an option to automatically start the VoiceCalendar application every time the computer is turned on or restarted. Upon selection, the File "Focus VoiceCalendar Startup" is placed in the "Startup Items Folder" in the "System Folder" and a dialog is displayed stating that such file is placed there. The option of starting at startup if off by default and can be activated or deactivated utilizing this option from the preferences menu.
•• The Windows Section has the following parts:
- Main Window
- New Entry Window
- Lookup Window
- Miniature Window
- Help Window
- Notification Window
Click on the corresponding item in the help module list for more details.
•• Main Window
This window is the central window of the VoiceCalendar program. On the right side there are 12 buttons each labeled for a month of the year. The bottom row has seven buttons labeled for years from 1995 to 2000. At the center, the days of the month are displayed for the selected month and year. At startup the current date is selected. User can select a date for new entry or lookup by simply clicking in the desired day, month, and year and then selecting the action they wish to perform. On the top right corner is the digital display of the current date and time. Finally there are a series of navigating buttons stacked on the left. These button from top to bottom are:
• Focus Softworks Button:
Pressing this button would bring up the portion of the help module describing how to reach Focus Softworks for comments and suggestions.
• New Button:
This button would activate the new entry window. From the entry window user can enter a new message for any desired date and time. See the description of this window in the "New Entry Window" section.
• Shrink Button:
This button shrinks the main window allowing the user to save precious desktop space and processor time. For more information, see the "Miniature Window" section later in this module.
• Lookup Button:
This button (with a magnifying glass) activates the lookup window from which the user can review entered messages for the currently selected date. If the currently selected day has no recorded message, pressing this button would have no effect. See "Lookup Window" for more details.
• Help Button (?):
Clicking this button will bring up the on-line help module where the "Main Window" and its components are described. From this point user can navigate to other section of the module. Please see the "How To Use This Help Module" for more information.
• Trash Button:
Pressing this button allows the user to delete all entries recorded for any particular day. After clicking this button, user is presented with a dialog requesting confirmation before deleting the messages. Pressing Yes would erase all messages for the selected day and free up disk space used. It is suggested for the user to do so for outdated messages. To see how to erase individual messages for any day see the "Lookup Window" description.
•• New Entry Window:
This window allows user to enter messages for any day. User can select a target day by using a series of buttons on the top labeled "Year", "Month", "Day", "Hour", and "Minute". Additionally, a series of "Occasions" are displayed in a list below the aforementioned buttons. Simply scroll to a desired occasion and click in it to select it. Control buttons located at the top of the window which control the desired action are:
• Done:
Pressing this button would close related files and the new entry window and return the user to the main window.
• Help (?):
Clicking this button will bring up the on-line help module where the "New Entry Window" and its components are described. From this point user can navigate to other section of the module. Please see the "How To Use This Help Module" for more information.
• Record:
After selecting the date and time for the message pressing this button would bring up a record dialog which allows the user to record a voice message. This record dialog uses the same user friendly features as the sound control panel which comes with system software. After recording, previewing, and editing pressing the Done button would save the message.
•• Lookup Window:
This window allows user to review entered messages for any day. User can select the desired day from the main window. Additionally, all recorded messages are displayed. Simply scroll to a desired message and click on it once to select it. Next click play button described later in this section to hear the voice message. The digital display at the top show the date for which messages are listed. User can adjust the volume of sound by using the "+" and "-" buttons labeled Volume. The volume control is set to 50 percent by default. Control buttons located at the right side of the window which control the desired action are:
• Stop:
Pressing this button would stop the voice message currently being played. If there is no playback in progress pressing this control button would have no effect.
• Play:
This button would allow the user to start the playback of the currently selected voice message from the lookup list. Pressing this button again before the message is finished would cause the message to start from the beginning.
• Done:
Pressing this button would close related files and return the user to the main window.
• Help (?):
Clicking this button will bring up the on-line help module where the "Lookup Window" and its components are described. From this point user can navigate to other section of the module. Please see the "How To Use This Help Module" for more information.
• Trash Button:
Pressing this button allows the user to delete the currently selected voice message. After clicking this button, user is presented with a dialog requesting confirmation before deleting the message. Pressing Yes would erase the message for the selected item and free up disk space used. It is suggested for the user to do so for outdated messages. To see how to erase all messages for an entire day see the "Main Window" description.
•• Miniature Window:
From the main window, user can activate this window which allows the user to save precious desktop space. Furthermore, since other application can be used concurrently with VoiceCalendar miniaturizing the main window would give other applications more processing time. User can return to the main window by clicking in the expand button located on the upper right corner of the window. Current time and date is displayed in the digital portion of the window. User can drag the miniature window around by click-dragging anywhere in the display area except the expand button.
•• Help Window:
This window contains all the on-line help text available for the application. The window is a standard Macintosh application window with two sections. First section is the topics and the second is the text associated with the topic. User can activate the on-line help module by selecting the "Help" menu item from the Apple menu. See the "How to use the On-line help module" section on more details on the usage of this feature.
•• Notification Window:
When a previously recorded reminder becomes due, the VoiceCalendar would take certain actions depending on user selected options. These actions could compromise a menu bar notification, a soft audio ring, or playback of the actual message for that particular reminder. When either or all of these action are taken, VoiceCalendar would put up a dialog which provides the user with four options. Namely, to move, playback, remove, or delay the reminder for five minutes. User can select playback option as many times as required to listen to the actual message. The remove option allows the user to tell the program that the message is acknowledged and that the VoiceCalendar can go ahead and remove it from records and delete it. The delay option allows the user to choose to deal with the message at later time if they are currently busy with another task. Finally, the move option allows the user to move the reminder to another date and time. This feature can become handy in two situations. First, if the user wishes to delay the message by any amount other than the five minutes with the Delay button, can do so using the move button. Secondly, the move button can be used to create reoccurring events. For example, if you placed a reminder for a birthday, when VoiceCalendar flags stating that it is due, you can simply move it to the next year! This way you can save time by not having to go back and create a new reminder for the next year. This can also apply to paying the Rent, annual physical exam, anniversary, etc.
•• Double clicking feature:
To further make the navigation through VoiceCalendar easier, several steps can be executed by simply double clicking. These steps are:
• Entering and viewing messages from main window
first click on the year followed by the month desired and the double click on the day. If there are no messages for that day the double click would bring up the new entry window. On the other hand, if there is one or more messages recorded on that particular date, the lookup window would be brought to the front.
• Recording a message from new entry window
After the date and time of the message are adjusted, user can directly activate the record dialog by double clicking on the desired occasion.
• Playing back a message from lookup window
After the lookup window is brought to the front double clicking on any of the recorded messages would automatically initiate playback.
•• How to record longer messages:
There are two way for the user to record messages that are longer. These methods can either be used individually or in combination. These methods are:
• Method 1: More Memory
The VoiceCalendar memory partition size is 400 kilobytes. Increasing this value would result in more memory to be used for recording. To change the partition to a higher level follow these steps:
1) Select the VoiceCalendar application icon by clicking on it once.
2) From the finder's "File" menu select the "Get Info" menu item.
3) In the box labeled "Preferred Size" enter a number greater than 400 for example, 600.
4) Click in the go-away box of the Get Info window.
5) Start the VoiceCalendar application.
• Method 2: More Compression
The default compression level for VoiceCalendar is 3 to 1. By increasing to 6 to 1, user can double the record time. On the other hand, if user chooses to turn compression off for more fidelity the record time is cut to 1/3. For more detailed explanation of the compression feature see the section on "Compression Menu".
It is suggested that the user experiment and using either or both methods to achieve a combination of memory size and compression level best suited for their needs.
•• Warranty/Liability
This software is released on an "AS IS" basis. The author and Focus Softworks provide no warranty of any sort. The user of this software assumes complete responsibility for any direct or indirect damages due to use or misuse of this software. This program including but not limited to the code is copyrighted by Afshin Latifi and Focus Softworks and is NOT public domain (strictly enforced). It may not be disassembled copied or modified or otherwise reduced to human comprehensible form. The Focus VoiceCalendar program or any portion of the program may not be distributed or renamed or resold for any purpose and should be considered propriety asset own solely by Afshin Latifi and Focus Softworks.
•• How to reach the author
Please E-Mailed questions, comments, bug reports to me at:
America Online :Latifi
Internet :
or by US Mail to the address displayed in the introductory screen.
•• How to order a fully functioning version of VoiceCalendar
To order VoiceCalendar, select the print order form option from the introductory screen. For fastest delivery please print clearly and fill all appropriate fields. Registration for the full version entitles the user to FREE phone support. Additionally , registration would give you access to lifetime free updates and revisions of the application when you download it from any Bulletin Boards, America Online, or the Internet.
•• Commercial and Shareware Distribution
This or any of other works of this author and Focus Softworks shall not be distributed for profit without prior written consent of the author (strictly enforced). Requests for commercial distribution can be submitted to the address displayed in the introductory window.
•• Other Focus Softworks products
The following are the list of products at the time of release of this version of Focus Comatose™:
• MicroRecorder™-
- Is a sound player which allows background sound playback on any Macintosh with color capability in AIFF format. It features unlimited record and play back time, repeated playback, on-line help, volume adjustment, and audio selection. The audio selection allows the user to play back a portion or the entire sound. This program has three dimensional controls, animation, and digital display featuring playback time, audio selection, volume level.
(20 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• MicroRecorder Pro™-
- Based on the popular MicroRecorder, the pro version has the same features with the addition of pitch control, REAL TIME! display of the sound, Stereo capability, and left/right channel control. Furthermore, MicroRecorder Pro supports AIFF, system 7 sound file, and PC/Windows wave format. The support for PC/Windows format allows the user to import their favorite sound from the other platform.
(32 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• AudioClock™-
- Is a digital Alarm Clock. It is a Clock for people who appreciate efficiency. It allows the user to enter daily messages by specifying the time, occasion, recording the voice message and save with clicks of mouse all without typing a word!. User can also preview the messages using their mouse.
(25 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• VoiceCalendar™-
- Is a digital calendar. First of its kind, it is a calendar for people who hate to type! or people who appreciate efficiency. It allows the user to enter daily messages by specifying the date, time, occasion, recording the voice message and save with clicks of mouse all without typing a word!. User can also view the entire month, select any date and play back any messages using their mouse.
(32 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• Focus DictationMachine™-
- is functionally equivalent to a transcribing device. It allows continuous background recording and playback of sound from hard disk. This would allow you to work with other programs while the sound is being recorded or played in the background. Among the key features of the DictationMachine are:
*- Full asynchronous Record and playback of sound.
*- 100 percent user configurable voice activated recording (VOX).
*- Support for 3:1 and 6:1 compression of the recorded sound.
*- Fast forwarding and rewinding of sound being played.
*- Volume adjustment.
*- Pitch adjustment.
*- Threshold adjustment.
*- Delay adjustment.
*- Quick Skip feature allowing to instantly to jump to any section of tape.
*- Insert and remove any portion of tape with a click of mouse.
*- Excellent 3D graphical interface and animation!
*- Full utilization of the notification manager.
*- Real-time sound display for record and playback states!!
(37 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• Focus Comatose™-
- Is an application which will help you prolong the life of your computer and save on the electricity bill while doing so!! It allows the user to put their computer to sleep rather than shut down the entire system. Before Comatose this feature was only available to Powerbook users. It works with all Macintoshes Plus and later running system 7 or later and 100K of memory. Comatose would spin down all hard drives (SCSI and IDE) and turn the screen off. If you have an energy star compliant monitor, the blacking of the screen allows the monitor to power down internally, thus adding to the savings in electricity.
(25 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• Focus TeleContact™-
- Is the Mercedes of file transfers!! It was created with the following goals in mind:
1) To make sending and receiving files as effortless as a simple telephone call. This task is achieved by automatically configuring and adjusting the parameters transparently such that the user is relieved of the cumbersome task of setting baud rate, bit parity, compression method, auto-answer and maximum transmission, etc.
2) Provide an elegant yet simple and intuitive interface to the file transfer process. As it would be described later in this manual, user can simply drag and drop any file on to the TeleContact and have it send the contents to any location in the world!
3) Combine the functionality of a modem protocol and the ease of use of a fax machine with some added features not offered by either methods of communication. For example, when a document is faxed, a picture of the document is sent to the target location. Should the recipient of the faxed document wish to make changes to the document, The have to retype the text or use some sort of OCR program to extract the text which often leads to loss of formatting. Using TeleContact, the recipient can simply use their word processor or graphics program to edit or print the document at a higher resolution that of the 200 dpi offered by a fax machine.
(42 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• Focus ContactManager™-
- Focus ContactManager is a personal information manager (PIM). It allows the user to store information such as name, address, and up to three phone numbers for each contact. Furthermore, any of the phone numbers can be dialed in two ways. Namely, using the internal speaker of the computer or an attached modem. Using the Find and Find Again features user can locate previously recorded contacts instantly.
(32 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• Focus EmailTool™-
- Focus EmailTool is an application which allows the user to sign their emails and other documents in the most elegant way possible. The program allows for up to 32,000 digital signatures and an additional 32,000 quotes! It comes with ready built in quotes by famous people as well as capability of adding your own. It features a floating window which stays on top of all windows for easy access.
(15 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
• Focus Majestic™-
-The Focus Magestic screen saver and its associated plug-in modules provide a robust and pleasant way to protect your screen from inevitable burn in when left unattended. The Magestic and all of its plug-in modules are Fat Binary applications which means they run super fast on both older Macs and the newer PowerPC Macs and compatibles.
Majestic is an ordinary application working transparently in the background. It is NOT and extension or control panel. It does NOT patch system resources, will NOT modify your system file. It will NOT slow your system down and will NOT cause incompatibility with other extensions and system resources. Additionally, you can set Majestic up to run automatically at start up and you can quit it any time you wish to release memory if you are strapped for memory. You can NOT quit a control panel or an extension! You can only disable such programs and restart your computer to claim the memory and CPU time they use.
Last but not least, you can password protect your computer with Majestic stopping access to your computer when you are not there!
(22 USD + 5 USD Shipping & Handling)
Look for these and our new products on America Online, your favorite bulletin boards and the Internet.
For latest version information or questions see "How to reach the Author" section.
AudioClock, MicroRecorder, MicroRecorder Pro, VoiceCalendar, TeleContact, Comatose, ContactManager, DictationMachine, EmailTool and Majestic are trademarks of Focus Softworks.